How to Change Your Last Name!
First you need to get your signed and sealed marriage certificate back from the registrar which you should have with the application for Social Security Name Change.  It is important to order extra certified copies of your marriage certificate.  Also, if you are traveling after your wedding it is important to use your maiden name on all reservations because your name change will not be in effect until you receive your marriage certificate and complete following steps.   You will want to go in this order:  Social Security, Driver’s License, Bank Accounts, Post Office, Credit Cards, Employers Records which include Health Insurance and Retirement Accounts, Passport, Bills, Car Loans, Memberships such as the gym, Insurance Companies and lastly, an announcement to all your family and friends.  First, you will want to go to the Social Security Office.  You can go to any of the offices in San Diego to fill out an application (Form SS-5) to change your name. You will need an official marriage certificate, proof of citizenship (passport or birth certificate) and a government issued ID.  Turn in your application, proof of citizenship, the marriage certificate and your ID to the office.  All should be originals or certified copies. You should get your new Social Security card within a week or two.  All offices are open 9am – 4pm, Monday – Friday. (800) 772-1213.  Second you will want to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles.  To change your name on your Driver’s License, call the DMV to make an appointment for a new driver’s license.  Take your new social security card, a certified copy of your marriage certificate and your old driver’s license.  You get your new Driver’s License sent to you in the mail within 3-4 weeks. They issue you a temporary one in the mean time. On that same DMV form, they can also update the Voter Registrar so you can vote with your new name as well.  DMV Offices – for all locations the phone is: (800) 777-0133 or make an appointment online.  The next step would be your bank accounts.  You will want to take your new driver’s license to your bank in order to change your last name.   The Post Office would be your next stop where you would pick up a change of address form however, only fill out the change of name section.   You can also complete the change of name online for a small fee.  After the Post Office, you will want to change your passport. To update your name on your pass port send the correct form ( it depends on when it was issued – Form DS-82 or DS-5504) with appropriate required documents and mail to the address on the form.  See website below for assistance on which form and what documents are required. (  All others will require you to call them individually or fill out the remittance forms on the back of your statements.  If you have any questions or are in need of a wedding planner, I would love to speak with you!

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Photo provided by David Champagne Photography